Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Holiday Recount - The Movies

During the holidays I went to the movies with my cousin, sister and brother and our parents dropped us off. We went to the movies because it was my cousins birthday.

I woke up happy because we got something special for my cousins birthday, we gave her money it was $20.  We picked up my cousin from her house, we gave her the money and she said “Thank you for the money I can get me some clothes”. We went to new world and  got popcorn, lollies and drinks for our movie. We were so excited!

We got to the the movies and decided to watch Brave.  We went to the counter to buy our tickets,then gave our tickets to the ticket lady and went into the cinema.

The movie Brave was about a redhead, curly/frizzy haired teenager called Merida who liked to play with a bow and arrow. Merida got her first bow and arrow from her father when she was a little girl for her birthday.

One day when Merida was practicing a giant demon bear tried to attack her and her family. Merida and her mother escaped while her father and his men fought off the bear, her father lost his left leg.
Years went by and the mother gave birth to three identical triplet boys. Merida was a free adventurous teenager but then her mother forced her into an arranged marriage and she was not happy about it. Merida runs away into the woods and comes across will-o-the-wips. They led her to a witch and the witch gave her a spell in a form of a cake to give to her mother to change her mind.

 Merida gives the cake to her mother and the cake turns her mother into a bear so Merida and her three triplet brothers helps her to sneak their mother(Bear) out of the castle.
They went back to the witch to change her mother back and the witch was gone and Merida was left fix her mother with her three brothers.The witch cave a position to her mother to change her

After the movies we went to the warehouse to wait for our big cousin to take us home. When we got home we told our parents all about the movie and how great it was. And that was one of the activities we did in the holidays. I had a fun day at the movies!

My Learning Goals


My goals are:

  • Transfer ideas from my plan more consistently and logically to my draft

  • proof  read my writing carefully for grammar spelling and punctuation errors


My goals are:
  • Continue to practice my oral reading skills, and participate fully in group work and discussion in class.
  • Further develop my questioning skills, as well as the ability to identify directly stated


My goals are:
  • Continue to develop my understanding of place value and whole numbers to 3 digits.
  • Apply this knowledge to help solve addition and subtraction problems.