Wednesday 17 April 2013


“Today I have been teaching my Room 10 buddy Faith these netbook skills - how to open a doc, how to find a picture from google, how to type a sentence and change size, colour and fonts, and how to post to a blog.”


1. What does ANZAC stand for?   Australia New Zealand Army Corps

2. Why do we remember ANZAC day? To remember the soldiers that died in the war.

3. When is ANZAC Day? 25th of April

4. What do people do on ANZAC day? They war the red poppy and remember the soldiers that died for our country.

5. What is a poppy? It is a red flower to remember the people that died in the war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Done Teina, you have written a good short description of ANZAC
Day and what it is about. You have some little mistakes that you could correct but other wise I really enjoyed reading your ANZAC Description. One thing is you could write a little more so the readers aren't unsatisfied for their likings but you have out done yourself.

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